Thursday, 19 March 2015

Front Cover and Contents

How old are you?
Are you Male or Female?
What do you like most on my Front cover?
What do you like most on my Contents page?
What should I add or take away from the Front cover?
What should I add or take away from the Contents page?


  1. 1. 16
    2. Male
    3. Main image
    4. Layout, very easy to read.
    5. More text
    6. Different image to the front cover, adds variety.

  2. 1.16
    3. The editing it very good on the main image. It looks very professional.
    4. Laid out to look professional. It follows conventions of the EDM genre.
    5. I think you should lay out the straplines all under one heading. They look random and all over the place.
    6. You have a picture of Avicii and a page number next to him but then he is mentioned again in the contents table. Might want to delete the picture of him that is not outside the contents table.
